The Impact One Life Can Have on So Many Others

Christine Johnson

Dr. Christine Johnson

Dr. Christine Johnson is perhaps best known in our community for being Chancellor of the Community Colleges of Spokane from 2010 to 2022. In her 12 years as Chancellor, she was the leading voice in our district on the magic of our students, remarking on their dedication and their dreams.

That legacy of student support is continued even after her retirement. Most recently, the Foundation team is seeing the impact of her Fund for Futures scholarship, which offers support to single parents as they complete their education at CCS.

“Single parents have more challenges,” Dr. Johnson said. “I admire that they want to continue their education, for themselves, but also to better their child’s life. They’re a good example for their children.”

Dr. Johnson knows personally how impactful an encouraging parent can be on an education. Her parents wanted the best for her and her siblings, and they encouraged them to stay dedicated to their schoolwork. She and her brothers ended up being first-generation college students who were able to attend due to their hard work and the scholarships they were awarded.

It's inspiring how Dr. Johnson’s story—one that culminates in a 46-year education career—began like so many of the students she now supports. As the Foundation team says time and again, a scholarship is more than just financial support to our students; it’s encouragement that tells our students that someone believes in their hard work and their dreams.

When Dr. Johnson heard about one of the students awarded by her scholarship, she beamed. She spoke of the student, Sheila, with such pride in her voice. “I admire her and her tenacity and persistence. I admire the responsibility she’s taking on and the fact that she didn’t give up on her dreams.”

For Dr. Johnson, it’s students like Sheila that keep her determined and excited to support community college students.

Have you dreamed of creating an impactful legacy like Dr. Johnson? Contact Heather Beebe-Stevens at 509-434-5125 or